The 2024 MSLR Blog Autumn Writing Competition is an annual event awarding a total of EUR 500 in gift cards to the authors of the four best blog posts. The submitted articles will be published on the MSLR Blog website, Instagram account, and LinkedIn.
Competition for the prize is open to all: students, scholars, and practitioners. Submissions will be selected through a blind peer review process by a Prize Committee, including the three department heads of the MSLR Blog Editorial Board. Four blog posts of the highest standard will be selected for the awards. The Committee reserves the right not to award the prize if, in its opinion, none of the submissions meet the required standards.
The following are the rules and guidelines for submission:
1. Prizes:
The MSLR Blog is pleased to announce a total prize of €500 for its upcoming competition. The prizes will be distributed as follows:
1st Best Blog Post will be awarded €200
2nd Best Blog Post will be awarded €150
3rd Best Blog Post will be awarded €100
The Fan Favorite Blog Post will be awarded €50, determined by the amount of engagement on the blog post. Engagement will be counted by the number of likes and comments from unique registered members on their blogpost on the MSLR website.
2. Eligibility:
This competition is open to all individuals in the legal field, with special emphasis on undergraduate and LLM students. MSLR Editors are also permitted to compete, but only for the Fan Favorite Blog Post Award.
Participants must also post their blog entry for the competition on LinkedIn with the following hashtag: #2024MSLRBlogAWC and tag the MSLR LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/maastricht-studentlawreview/.
3. Limit on Entries:
Each author may submit multiple entries for consideration, but only the post with the highest score will be eligible for a prize.
4. Topic:
Entries should relate to the field of international and comparative law (preferably relating to European, other regional, or international law).
5. Criteria:
Entries must be well-written in clear and high-quality English, adhere to our style guidelines (provided below), and maintain a civil and respectful tone. Entries must meet the standards of academic worthiness determined by the Selection Committee and will be judged on the following criteria:
Originality and Innovation
Research Quality
Clarity, Coherence, Structure and Format
Style and Quality of Language
Timeliness and Relevance
6. Author Guidelines:
Author bio and photograph: If you are a first-time contributor to the MSLR Blog, we will create an author profile to be published alongside your entry. Please provide a brief bio including details such as your name and university affiliation, along with any additional information you'd like to include. You may additionally send us a coloured photo of yourself to be included in your bio.
Length and headings: The general post length limit is 2000 words. While we understand that certain topics may require more extensive coverage, shorter posts are more likely to be read. Longer posts will be published only in exceptional cases.
Fonts, spacing, and paragraph format: Submit your post in Times New Roman, with single spacing and a single line return between paragraphs, without indentation. You can include headings as needed (e.g., every four paragraphs) to break up lengthy posts, but please use only one level of headings, and make sure they are in bold.
Title: The blog must have a title. Titles must be under 200 characters.
Citation: Do not use footnotes or in-text citations in your entry. Instead, use embedded hyperlinks to relevant supporting materials, such as statutes, treaties, cases, and journals. Cite only when necessary.
Image: You are welcome to include an image with your text. If you use online images, make sure they are royalty-free and provide the following information: source, photographer's name, and license details.
7. Review Process:
Before submitting an entry, participants must send a notice of intent to publish along with a working title for the entry to determine a publication date. Once a publication date is determined, participants may submit their final blog entry for consideration (See Section 8 below for more elaboration).
Blog entries undergo an anonymized review process by the MSLR Blog team before publication (see more on the MSLR website). Once the author receives their feedback, they must incorporate the feedback, make necessary changes to their entry, and submit the entry within one week (additional time may be granted on a case-by-case basis). If the revisions align with the provided comments, the entry becomes eligible for publication and for the competition.
8. Due Dates:
On 22 July 2024, the competition will be opened, and authors are welcome to submit a notice of intent to publish to the MSLR email address: law-mslr-blog@maastrichtuniversity.nl with the email subject “2024 MSLR Blog Autumn Writing Competition Entry”. Afterwards, MSLR Blog Editors will notify such authors of the scheduled date for the publication of their piece, and will indicate to them that the piece should be submitted 5 days before that publication date to account for final revisions.
For example, Author A submits a notice of intent to publish on 23 July 2024. MSLR Blog Editors may respond that Author A’s date of publication will be 10 August 2024. Author A is therefore expected to complete and submit their piece on 5 August 2024. Final revisions will take place in the days leading up to 10 August 2024.
The final date by which an author may submit a notice of intent to publish is 21 October 2024. The final date of publication will be 4 November 2024. Awards and a summary of the competition will be announced on the same day.
9. Blogpost Entry Criteria:
Entries shall contain the following information:
Author’s name
Author’s curriculum vitae or an author profile under 100 words
Author’s photo
Email address
The blog post in Microsoft Word document format
Title of the article
A one or two line abstract of the blog for the purpose of social media promotion